Thursday, September 10, 2009

Double Oh No!

Our farmers market was closed this week so that is sad!! hehe its really not a huge deal but it sort of is because no matter how hard we will try, we'll probably eat a lot less produce this week. Yesterday (I was sick and tony worked all day) the only produce I ate was grapes! and I had steel cut oats and chips and hummus. that's been our latest guilty pleasure is hummus & chips from trader joes. my fave snack from back home. sort of a naughty one.

i also had movie theater popcorn from when i went to see funny people & then i brought the leftovers to tony at work. awwww.

oh! another guilty pleasure! i've had these new animal crackers called 'snackimals' from whole foods in chocolate chip flavor and snickerdoodle flavor. SO yummy. i wanted to buy a big bag but tony snapped me out of it.

annndd...i've been begging tony to take me to a really hip and trendy place on Santa Monica Blvd. called 'millions of milkshakes' where celebrities create their own shakes. I really want a Miley Cyrus shake, and we were planning a trip there this weekend (its probably a 7 minute walk from our apt.) but now that i 'm sick, i'm thinking this isn't the best time to slam a lot of dairy and sugar for the first time in 2 months.
it's okay, it'd be terribly unhealthy anyway. such a gimmicky thing. i really like miley cyrus right now though hehe...there's also a britney shake. but the miley one sounds better. i'm not even going to say whats in it because its too naughty to be printed on this blog.

have a healthy day! eat some fruit!

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